What Happens in a Coaching Session?


Ever wonder what happens in a coaching session? Good. I’ll let you know.

A coaching session, at least that way I most often have them, occurs virtually which works out really well right now. When I initially meet with a client, I ask what their goals are for our time together and then try to get an understanding of the why behind what they want to do. This process is simple to write; it can be quite an in-depth conversation that takes time. From there, we talk about their background and experiences that have influenced who they are.

We then turn to where they want to go. What is working? What is not? When have they been successful before? What worked? 

Coaching is a back and forth reflective conversation. The client is always in the driver seat, and I, as the coach, am asking questions to direct them to where they want to go. Together, we co-create plans that work for them. 


The plans will likely include some sort of behavior modifications, and in our discussions, we talk about what that will look like. Again, the client gets to dictate what will work. Obviously, by the fact of wanting to be coached, they are demonstrating a desire to change and the conversation will encourage that change. 

With the plan established, we explore support needed to be successful. We might also look at roadblocks that might get in the way of success. The client commits to the plan with a SMART goal which is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound. The coach commits to a form of accountability that is meaningful to the client.

In the next session, the pair will examine how the client has done with the goal and what worked. Each session builds on the next and through the process, small changes occur that, in the end, will lead the client to the place they want to be. 

Does coaching sound like something that might be good for you? Do you need support meeting some goals you’ve been putting off? Reach out for a free 15-minute Meet and Greet session to learn more about how it might work well for you!