It’s normal to feel like there’s more you should do for your health.

Am I eating enough of the right foods?

Exercising enough?

Sleeping enough?

Making enough time for family and friends?

Am I keeping my stress low enough?

Phew! That’s a lot of enoughs and a lot of doing.

If you’re asking yourself any of these questions or wondering if you’re taking good care of yourself,

I can help you!

Together, through health coaching, we will prioritize the changes you want to make while exploring how to be, not just do, so you can live the fullest and most impactful life possible. We explore your motivations and strengths, and in the end, the process results in you being more fully you.

How do we do this?

Well, we will work together find out what’s really important to you and then create a plan for your wellness journey that you feel comfortable with.

  • We begin with a free 15-minute meet and greet video chat session where we discuss what coaching is.

  • We determine if health coaching meets your wellness goals and dreams.

  • We’ll co-create a plan that fits your goals and meet regularly via video chat.

  • Utilizing coaching tools, we explore your strengths and mindset and implement manageable steps to help you be more.

You’ll be in the driver’s seat.

There may be ideas you want to say “no” to and others you get excited about. You get to choose.

There won’t be lots of enoughs, oughts, or shoulds.

Instead, there will be a plan, your plan, with small, manageable steps to help you LiveWell.

One. Step. At. A. Time.

Are you ready to make a change for you?

If so, click here to get started!


About Jennifer

I love coffee and dark chocolate, good books, friends, quiet, and clean appliances (a weird thing I’ve discovered that makes me happy). I value good, healthy food but hate bananas. If you’re looking for banana recipes, you’ve come to the wrong place, and I’m sorry, not sorry.

I’m a recovering overachiever and perfectionist. The resulting stress and anxiety created physical symptoms, like gut issues, eczema, and anxiety, that I have spent the last decade acknowledging and addressing.

I’m happy to say that good did come out of all of this. Curious as to what and how?

Click here! 

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Curious about Coaching?

Are you ready to take the next step in your health and wellness journey? Schedule a free consultation with Jennifer today! And find out how wellness coaching can help you!